Serving over 430 miles of the Florida Panhandle and southern Georgia
The Florida Gulf & Atlantic Railroad, LLC (FGA) operates 430 miles of track, running east/west along the I-10 corridor between Baldwin, FL and Pensacola, FL, with a branch line that runs between Tallahassee, FL to Attapulgus, GA. FGA is rated for 286K GWR and offers up to 1,300 storage spots.
FGA interchanges daily with CSX in Baldwin and Pensacola, as well as with AN Railway (AN) in Chattahoochee, FL.

Florida Gulf & Atlantic Railroad Map

FGA interchanges with CSX, AN, and BAYL railroads, and serves over 30 customer locations.
The railroad’s dedicated management and work force offers the timely and flexible service demanded by today’s fast paced supply chains, while offering the inherent economies of scale shipping by rail provides.
The Florida Gulf & Atlantic Railroad is comprised of three subdivisions.
Tallahassee Subdivision – starts near Baldwin, FL and ends near Chattahoochee, FL
P&A Subdivision – starts near Chattahoochee, FL and ends near Pensacola, FL
Bainbridge Subdivision – starts near Tallahassee, FL and ends near Attapulgus, GA
Class I Connections
Baldwin, FL – CSX
Pensacola, FL – CSX
Short Line Connections
Chattahoochee, FL – AN
Cottondale, FL – BAYL
Service Frequency
5 days per week
Top Commodities
Aggregates, Grain, Chemicals, Minerals, Clay, Metals, Lumber, and Machinery
The line, which was acquired from CSX in 2019, is operated at Class III and has a fleet of 18 locomotives and services 30+ customers. The railroad is working closely with the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to exceed operating safety standards and creating new job opportunities throughout the region.

Operating Office
Florida Gulf and Atlantic Railroad, LLC
245 Riverside Ave., Suite 250
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (561) 448-2050
Fax: (850) 318-7508
Business Office
Pinsly Railroad Company
245 Riverside Ave., Suite 250
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (561) 448-2050
Fax: (561) 291-0288
General Manager & AVP
Jeff Castle
Industrial Development
Cassie Dull
AVP Sales & Marketing
Steve Laird
Customer Service Lead
Lynne Labonte