Cassie Dull
Cassie Dull is the Chief Commercial Officer of Pinsly Railroad Company.
Cassie is responsible for revenue growth and commercial strategy for Pinsly Railroad Company and its short lines, overseeing all commercial functions – including sales & marketing, industrial development, customer service, communications, and grant campaigns.
Prior to joining Pinsly Railroad Company in November 2019, Cassie worked for Patriot Rail & Ports where she was responsible for top line revenue and strategy for select short lines and port facilities. Prior to that, she was with CSX Transportation for over seven years in various commercial positions, working across multiple departments including operations, finance, accounting, technology, and customer service. This has provided her with a diverse background in transportation, a broad network of industry and customer relationships, and experience in strategic planning and operations analysis.
Cassie earned a Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management from Webber International University and an MBA from the University of North Florida.